PurePro® USA Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System X6 (Blue)
Regular price $1,089.00PurePro® USA X6 System (Blue) with ECO RO Membrane
Advanced Eco USA RO+ Alkaline, Mineral, UV Purification
The New Generation RO Membrane with a Mineral Guard Technology
PurePro X6 features next-generation membrane technology offering the highest quality permeate at 30% lower energy consumption. Enabled with a Mineral Guard technology, this membrane can retain essential minerals in your drinking water, making it safe, pure and healthy.
PurePro X6 Filter Cartridges :
(Stage 1) Inline cartridge 5 Micron Sediment Filter :
With only five micron rating. It is effective in removing dirt, rust and sand particles.
(Stage 2) Inline cartridge Granular Activated Carbon Filter :
It takes out 99% of the chlorine and organic chemicals. It provides enhanced reduction of taste, odor, and color.
(Stage 3) PurePro USA Eco RO Membrane :
Advanced Eco RO Membrane features next-generation membrane technology offering the highest quality permeate at 30% lower energy consumption. Enabled with a Mineral Guard technology, this membrane can retain essential minerals in your drinking water, making it safe, pure and healthy. PurePro Eco RO membrane removes bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, viral contaminants, and other dangerous elements while still allowing valuable minerals to pass through, for your body to absorb. ( PurePro ECO RO Membrane )
(Stage 4) PurePro USA Mineral Filter:
This filter improves the qualities of clean water by adding necessary for proper human development and health minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and others readily found in many natural mineral water.
(Stage 5) PurePro USA Alkaline Filter:
The Alkaline filter changes the acidic RO water into a perfect Natural Alkaline Ionized Water. The Alkaline filter simply gives back minerals such as ionized calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ion. Produces alkaline water which helps your body maintain a healthy pH level. (Video: The importance of drinking alkaline water )
(Stage 6) PurePro USA Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer:
Ultraviolet light (UV), a natural part of the sunlight is widely accepted as a reliable, efficient & environmentally friendly solution for water disinfection. This UV lamp utilize the application of particularly efficient UV radiator with a 254nm wave length to cause immediate death for organisms and wipe out their ability to survive and reproduce. 99.99% DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA AND VIRUSES.